My family loves the public library. I began taking my children to story hour when they were still wearing diapers. We all love to read and we all love sitting in and amongst all of those books. Up to this point, I have always held every body's library cards and we've kept borrowed books on a shelf in our living room. This made things fast and easy for me but the kids were missing out on an opportunity for independence. When they began asking to check books out themselves, I figured it was time to change things up. We headed to Walmart and picked up some
Tulip Fabric spray and a couple packs of canvas bags. I used my
Silhouette SD to cut some stencils from freezer paper and ironed them to the bags.

The kids each sprayed over the top of the stencil. I encouraged them to only use two colors to avoid the dreaded "muddy" look. One of my sons saw that as a challenge to his creative powers, so he dutifully took on three colors and managed a very cool blended effect. After the bags we're sprayed, we peeled off the freezer paper to reveal the design. The kids loved this part!
If you try this project, I recommend that you spray lightly and have some paper towels on hand to dab up excess paint. We were able to achieve some pretty fun effects with just the four colors included in the pack of Tulips that we purchased.

Each kid also made a
boondoggle with a key ring to hook onto their bag and hold their library card. Now they can check books out, carry them home and store them in their bags until our next trip to the library. Judging by this smile, I think the new system will be a success! Thanks for reading. LT
ANOTHER great idea!